Some offer a fact
Most are practicing an alibi
Some offer a fact
Most are practicing an alibi
Since superlative orifice prostration is desiring phallacies
Let us cleanse the bread with teh treason memes
Tredeau sings falceddo like dannalingus
I hate Canada
But you Yankees
Are shooting for a bronze
Ship shipping shipping ships
Patterns matter
Trust Murdoch
Trust Kevin bacon
And all the antisemites bubbled up from the crevasses of dearth and mire to offer themselves to a upside down crusifixtion to bring back teh cute Jew babies. MetalAF and discordian dues kys
Haskell County, Oklahoma Is tapping my Line
Try salisaw
Anywhere murica, look for the proud 'wasps' camped next to the despotic township. B there meth and crimes, b there gestapi carnivores , like tgat town outsidevsalisaw tapping mah line
I could sure /b spending my time showing ya on teh map where carnivores live, but teh govt is cucks
Govtcucksfercannibalism don't have cash huh
Govtcuckssponsoringplerboterianismferreligiouspurposes is teh illegal
Govtcucksplerboteriangestapifegeleulogiesforpoliticalgains is teh illegal
Foreignplerboterianciapoliticalarbitrageforbabybrainseating is teh illegals too
Privatewiretappingindallastocoveruptehharvardplerboteriansfortredeatrannyshillweddingbecausebuttfuckitunes is teh illegals mostly too
So cannibals use illegal wiretapping tech from cia to push narcotics and bolster political shenanigans domestically . Hmmm, prol some queers at iTunes pulling some voodoo too. But Peking duck pr0n is irritating like women's socks
So whoms the vampire really
Tax dodgers
It ain't bill Hicks
All this for a North Korean mcdonalds
You Faggots want stateism
A true patriot knows he can burn that motherfucker