There is a solution.
‘Now, I’m not saying we wouldn’t get our hair mussed. 20 million tops, depending on the breaks.’
Language skills have been intentionally retarded to handicap the population from being able to accurately describe and thus effectively fix things.
Kinda diabolical, if i might say.
That’s why Langmuir coined it with the term “plasma”… because it looked and behaved like something alive.
Ya, there is NOTHING healthy going on with that kind of “commerce”. The storekeeper has been conditioned to ‘let it happen’, collect the insurance, and don’t oppose the thieves, robbers and muggers to hope they won’t burn the place down.
I posted my pic with only a touch of snark, but unless there is a MASSIVE turn around with this ‘devolution’… shits gonna “go back” to some WildWesty shits.
The lying thieving crooks pretending to be Law, want to make it ‘a crime’ to point out their lies, crimes and mass murder.
Would be funny if this all wasn’t so deadly.
Not for nothing, a buzzard became the mascot.
Forgive the confusion, Anon.
My highly distorted sense of humor, snark and illustration-via-absurdism, is lost in the fog filled hall of funhouse mirrors occupied by innumerable cons in cloaks with daggers.
To be clearer than my quip which was unfortunately misunderstood: my comment was a backhander AT western “Democracy”. It is our Gov/MSM/BigTech that is marching to shut off free speech while trying to put such words and actions in the mouth of Putin.
This is not democracy, and was (the Constitution) never written that way in the first place.
The System now appears packed to the gills with people harboring suicidal (and very deadly to others) logical inversions.
[they] are incapable of clear words
[they] are incapable of clear math
[they] are incapable of honesty, hard truths and any kind of respect or reverence for leaving people alone. It’s asif [they] WANT to world to fight to the death. A very strange worldview [they] seem to have, if it can even be called such
I have no idea why or how, but Cleveland was way ahead of the curve of a world going upside down and backwards.
[Their] hypocrisy and apparent lack of memory is like a Super Power.