Just a thought…
They have used wars to destroy some magnificent oldTECHin the form of architecture. We used to have free energy, which is EVIDENT in these old building…especially the ones with DOMES which were (still are!) resonant cavities.
Assumption is that Christ has reigned and we are POST millenium…ample evidence/sauce but you will have to discern through it…
So THEY have had to ERASE all evidence of this HIGHER society…
World fairs have been a way…
WWI and WWII best ways so far…
The part of Russia that is in the news now is PROBABLY where Christ ruled from…so important as a spiritual goal to THEM…
Russia/Republic of the USA/China still have revenants of Christs Reign = We Remember…
THEY want to wreck the remaining tech still in that part of Russia and wreck the building in that part of Russia…