The mark of the beast, in my view, on the hand and the forehead, is the actions of the hand, and the thoughts in the mind.
I've blessed areas to turn the negative memories into a blessing, the blood of the innocent into a nutrient blessing of the spirits lost.
Also saw the skies change, with more lightness and color to the image posted, I see the night not needing light as your post states. Using the pic as reference, almost like a subdued slower aurora borealis sky.
I'll have more blessings to do, at a later point, when sacrifices cease.
They think nothing of adding in new actors, taking them out, confusing the script, to cause distraction, or bring up a new history timeline.
I'm also a SRA Survivor, and only have snippets of memories of 'getting even' situations, and also, 'after the actions' of what I did, or powers given to me, to cause this effect. So I have many memories of 'them' having tremendous fear on their faces, as I would say, 'I told you not to, but you did it anyway.' I know when I am angered severely, lightning storms appear near me, or near the people I am angered with.
This was known where I grew up, as I would be asked to prevent storms for events that had to do with bringing goodness to the community.
Never thought of what my spiritual image would be.
I am a reservation unto myself, I work alone in doing my blessings, but would love to work beside a organized prayer over the entire earth. This would indeed make God smile, and create a lasting blessing.
You're not crazy, THEY are insane.
what they took from the people will return to the people, a borrowed stash of funds for later.
Before my brother passed, I told him, he had to go to the infirmary above, and while there, to take all the children that didn't make it, like we did, and get them dressed up and make them smile, before handing them to their ancestry, he had the hugest smile, and gently said, you know I will.
We bless our angels, from all angles.
I did one blessing, freeing trapped spirits of the earth, and had so many tiny hands, holding me tight, that lasted a good while, as I had those available above to come down, and sit with us until they had no more fear, and began going up with the ones they felt safest with. I'll have to do another, when this crap ends, just to get those newly added. Their spiritual journey is only paused, never halted.
I typed up a prayer, for those needing to add to it, awhile back.
Additional sources are reporting that Russia has seized control of the power plant.
SantaSurfing, [3/4/2022 9:22 AM]
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