who dat?
Good Job Pompeo…..kek
Sun’s political doctrines are summarized in his Three Principles of the People (nationalism, democracy, and people’s livelihood—the last involving the regulation of private capital and “equalizing land rights”) and his Plan for National Reconstruction, which explained basic parliamentary procedures, attacked the traditional Chinese saying that to know is easier than to do, and set forth a grandiose plan for China’s industrialization, concocted by Sun without much help from engineers or economists.
Although sanctified by his followers, Sun’s doctrine was not his major strength. All contemporary sources attribute to him a magnetic personality, a great capacity for tolerating others’ weaknesses, a singular dedication to the pursuit of power, and a knowledge of the West unequaled by that of any of his political rivals. Perhaps the last factor is the most important, for it is this that set Sun apart and made him the symbol of Chinese modernization. Quite fittingly, the Chinese communists call him “a pioneer of the revolution.”
why is Pompeo taking photos in front of him with SK????
what friggin rabbit hole is this shit? kek
3rd Plenum of the 2nd Central Committee of KMT in Wuhan, March 1927.
Madame Sun Yat-sen in front. Mao was acting KMT Propaganda chief. Can you spot Mao?
Who/what is tawian really?
TIL that Sun Yat-sen - Chinese revolutionary and founding father of both the PRC & RoC - had a Jewish aide-de-camp called Morris “Two Gun” Cohen who went on to become a general in his army and his personal bodyguard.
Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Republic of China, considered the father of modern China. His wife, Song Qingling, later became the Vice Chairman of the PRC's Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, while her sister Song Meiling became the wife of Chiang Kai-shek.
You cut MAO out of that kek
Taiwan is the original (collective heartbeat) of China then?!