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What's Next, Nazi-Style Book Burning? West's 'Cancel Russia' Effort is Morally Insane, Scholars Say
Ain’t gonna work but:
Here’s how Putin protects himself from assassins and coup plots
Agreed notable. Normies won’t seek out news from RT (more truthful than our media by far). Anons will have to get this news to them ourselves.
Dinosaurs are described in detail in the Book of Job.
All data methods (e.g. radio carbon dating) are based on an arbitrary reference point. No one knows the exact age of the Earth or any component of it. In 1980, iirc, Mt Saint Helens erupted. The lava made new formations in the surrounding landscape. According to dating methods used these brand new formations were estimated to be 10,000 + years old. In addition to flawed dating “science”, the scientific community doesn’t take into consideration the FACT of historical global catastrophes and their effects. They go out of their way, for example, to deny that there was ever a global flood despite the FACT that many cultures across the world have the same story of a worldwide flood passed down through generations.
Did you know that dinosaur models are guesswork? For example, someone finds a femur bone or whatever but nothing else. They take the femur bone and extract what they think the dinosaurs would have looked like. One day, if given enough time, science might catch up with the Bible.
Yes yes and yes. Look for a nuclear FF soon. They already tried and failed with the NPP “attack” yesterday. If they (cabal) have to they will launch a nuke and accuse Putin of doing it. Mark it down anon. They are going to expend everything they have if that’s what it takes to remove Putin and replace him with a NWO-friendly man of their choosing and it will most certainly be a man… diversity and inclusion rules they force on us won’t apply here.
A) yes there is evidence of a global flood (e.g. seashells on top of Mt. Ararat).
B) Humanity wouldn’t be traced back to Abraham. He’s the father of the big 3 religious movements, not of humanity. That honor would belong to Noah.
There are well preserved papyrus writings of Biblical books. The Bible translations are pretty accurate when compared to these original writings. Rome didn’t invent the Bible.
The flood is/was literal.
7:4 God allowed one more week for sinners to repent. rain . . . forty days and forty nights. A worldwide rain for this length of time is impossible in post-Flood, atmospheric conditions, but not then. The canopy that covered the whole earth (see note on 1:7), a thermal water blanket encircling the earth, was to be condensed and dumped all over the globe (v. 10).
B. The Flood and Deliverance (7:10-8:19)
7:11 month . . . day. The calendar system of Noah’s day is unknown, although it appears that one month equaled thirty days. If calculated by the Jewish calendar of Moses’ day, it would be about May. This period of God’s grace was ended (cf. v. 4; 6:3, 8). all the fountains of the great deep were broken up. The subterranean waters sprang up from inside the earth to form the seas and rivers (1:10; 2:10-14), which were not produced by rainfall (since there was none), but by deep fountains in the earth. Such a catastrophe would also easily explain why so many of the earth’s mountain ranges give evidence of having once been under the sea. the windows of heaven. The celestial waters in the canopy encircling the globe were dumped on the earth and joined with the terrestrial and the subterranean waters (cf 1:7). This ended the water canopy surrounding the earth and unleashed the water in the earth; together, these phenomena began the new system of hydrology that has since characterized the earth (see Job 26:8; Eccl. 1:7; Is. 55:10; Amos 9:6). The sequence in this verse, indicating that the earth’s crust breaks up first, then the heavens drop their water, is interesting because the volcanic explosions that would have occurred when the earth fractured would have sent magma and dust into the atmosphere, along with gigantic sprays of water, gas, and air-all penetrating the canopy and triggering its downpour.
7:16 the Lord shut him in. No small event is spared in the telling of this episode, although the details are sparse.
7:19 all the high hills. This describes the extent of the flood as global. Lest there be any doubt, Moses adds “under the whole heaven” (cf. 2 Pet. 3:5-7). There are over 270 flood stories told in cultures all over the earth, which owe their origin to this one global event.
7:20 The highest mountains were at least twenty-two and one-half feet under water, so that the ark floated freely above the peaks. This would include the highest peak in that area, Mount Ararat (8:4), which is c. 17,000 feet high. That depth further proves it was not a local flood, but a global flood.
7:24 one hundred and fifty days. These days included the forty-day-and-night period of rain (7:12, 17). The flood rose to its peak at that point (cf 8:3). It then took over two and one-half months before the water receded to reveal other mountain peaks (8:4, 5), over four and one-half months before the dove could find dry land (8:8-12), and almost eight months before the occupants could leave the ark (8:14).
Genesis 6, MacArthur commentary:
6:14 ark. This was a hollow chest, a box designed to float on water (Ex. 2:3). gopher-wood. Probably cedar or cypress trees are in view, abundant in the mountains of Armenia.
6:15, 16 While the ark was not designed for beauty or speed, these dimensions provided extraordinary stability in the tumultuous floodwaters. A cubit was about eighteen inches long, making the ark 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. A gigantic box of that size would be very stable in the water, impossible to capsize. The volume of space in the ark was 1.4 million cubic feet, equal to the capacity of 522 standard railroad box cars, which could carry 125,000 sheep. It had three stories, each fifteen feet high; each deck was equipped with various rooms (lit. “nests”). “Pitch” was a resin substance to seal the seams and cracks in the wood. The “window” may have actually been a low wall around the flat roof to catch water for all on the ark.
6:19, 20 There are fewer than 18,000 species living on earth today. This number may have been doubled to allow for now-extinct creatures. With two of each, a total of 72,000 creatures is reasonable as indicated in the note on verses 15 and 16; the cubic space could hold 125,000 sheep and, since the average size of land animals is less than a sheep, perhaps less than 60 percent of the space was used. The very large animals were surely represented by young. There was ample room also for the one million species of insects, as well as food for a year for everyone (v. 21).
The Bible consists of literal and allegorical (parables) writing. The flood was a literal event. It’s know I won’t convince you but that works both ways.
Yes God. I believe in the Creator God. Going with my premise God could and did certainly do this.
Genesis 8 notes:
8:17-19 be fruitful and multiply. In the process of replenishing the created order that He had judged with destruction, God repeated the words of the blessing which He had put upon non-human creatures (1:22). Noah faced a new world where longevity of life began to decline immediately; the earth was subject to storms and severe weather, blazing heat, freezing cold, seismic action, and natural disasters.
Matthew 24:37-39 NIV
[37] As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. [38] For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; [39] and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
24:37 as the days of Noah were. Jesus emphasizes not the extreme wickedness of Noah’s day (Gen. 6:5) but the people’s preoccupation with mundane matters of everyday life (“eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,” v. 38), when judgment fell suddenly. They had received warnings, in the form of Noah’s preaching (2 Pet. 2:5) and the ark itself, which testified to the judgment that was to come. But they were unconcerned about such matters and were therefore swept away unexpectedly in the midst of their daily activities.
Ya know there’s a thought that all the land masses were once enjoined.
A Creator God can do ANYTHING. There are no limitations in Him. Our finite minds cannot comprehend the infinite. When we apply human logic, which is very limited, we put God in a box so to speak. He can’t be put in a box though as He is not bound by our dimensions (time, space, matter, etc). So yes, I believe God can do whatever He chooses.
And, back to the age of the Earth, isn’t it quite possible, maybe even probable that God created a mature Earth? I am certain he created man and I don’t think Adam and Eve were created as little children. They were created as fully mature adults. Again, a Creator God can do anything and is not bound by human limitations.
And it doesn’t mean He didn’t either.
The commentary mentions the subterranean waters too. It mentions volcanic explosions that would have (did) release the waters from the aquifers.
Yeah the same groups of people keep believing the same groups of liars. Ironic isn’t it?
I saw an op-Ed a couple of days ago that was essentially saying Putin is intentionally sandbagging Russian military capabilities for strategical reasons. The writer was comparing recent overwhelming Russian military action in Syria with the very underwhelming action in Ukraine. I believe the writer was right on with this.
Now we agree on something.
I have read the Grand Canyon arguments before and it’s just more supporting evidence of a global flood in my humble but accurate opinion.
There has never been any evidence whatsoever of a species in transition. Every so-called “missing link” (e.g. Nebraska Man) has been proven to be an elaborate hoax. Even Darwin himself didn’t believe in evolution by the time he died. So many people still believe in evolution despite overwhelming evidence that it’s not how we got here. They believe we come from apes and I guess they should know their ancestors better than me. As for me, my ancestors were humans.
Oh I’m bout it bout it. I’m seeing the prophecies in the Bible, especially Revelation, unfolding before my very eyes and I’m constantly communicating my thoughts on these events with my close family and colleagues. I feel called to do this and it’s actually producing results (critical thinking insight growth) with the fam.
The continents fit together like a puzzle, suggesting there was some nice a single land mass. I don’t know that to be the case, but there is some logic to the idea. We didn’t get here by time + chance + matter. There is an option infinite Creator (intelligent design) and the evidence is all around us.
I saw a story a year or so back about how scientists had adjusted the age of the Universe by several billion years. The numbers change because they have no legitimate reference point (zero point) to base anything on, only assumptions. That’s not real science, it’s pseudoscience.
Lifespans were much longer due to the UV protection provided by the firmament. The firmament was removed as part of the waters that caused the global flood. This event coincides with when God said he would only strive with man for 120 years. Removal of the UV shielding firmament greatly reduced the lifespan of man.
The DS will be forced to appear to be siding with Taiwan, but, in reality, they will be eager to hand Taiwan over to China on a silver platter. That will bevery bad,devastating evenfor the entire world and every sovereign nation and their economies.
John the evangelist was exiled (by Rome) to the Island of Patmos when he saw the visions he wrote in Revelation. Revelation is just as Holy Spirit inspired as any and every other book of the Bible.