Bravo TV Shitbag Sand Monkey Just Caught Trying to Have Sex With a Minor Moments Ago in Florida
He's bagged by the same crew who caught Facebook executive recently.
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Bravo TV Shitbag Sand Monkey Just Caught Trying to Have Sex With a Minor Moments Ago in Florida
He's bagged by the same crew who caught Facebook executive recently.
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Such a model employee of the pedophile haven known as NBC Universal.
Fuck you, pedophiles.
I know, right? He just came here to torture and rape all the little children that we fucking good Americans can't be bothered with torturing and raping.
These citizen anti-pedophile groups awesome. I really hope this blows up big so this smug, smelly camel fucker will go back to his shithole country where the Muslims will serve hiding justice on him.
See >>15785302