saw some footage where car alarms were going off…probably explosions underground in kiev. putin has every right to bring their fucked up temple down.
Jew lawywer has had his dick in pedo pussy.
American's are about to lose their shit over the political agenda of destroying america being pushed by the deepstate.
God created america, one shouldn't fuck with God's country.
We only wanted to be left alone, but they pushed us too far.
God will not them win. They woke the giant lives inside all of us.
God is telling you trust in him. He has never broken a promise once it's been made.
Love your neighbor
If I told you God was with you right now, would you believe me?
If you knew what and who has returned, you'd start crying for joy…it is that cool.
Don't you love it when a promise is kept?
Pussy Galore…A bond girl with the best name ever.
That's the lumber department in homedepot now.
anyone with a brain now knows the entire ukrainian story is bullshit. now they will learn why putin had to disarm the corrupt puppets caledl the ukrainian gubmint.
25 biolabs on or very near the ukrainian borders. all working for the deepstate. all working on deadly shit.
watch the new bond movie, dna targeting tech is what they have developed. genocide is on the table; they are in a corner.
Those who are important to the deepstate all have implants behind their left eye that when triggered provides instant death. its how epstein was killed. no one will "commit" suicide, it will be trust upon them.
they tried to break the link between god and his kids by severing the dna signal.
god is a bit smarter then they are. winning at every turn.
God likes being here and hanging with all of you. You do make him laugh…you meaning all bakers.
Thanks for hanging out with me!
She went to the car wash and tried to suck the air out of the vacuums it looks like.
Thank you for your hard work and devotion.
Did you know I have literally carried a bible with me everyday everywhere for 46 years?
1295 pages on microfiche. Since 1976. Funny thing is, you'd never guess it looking at me. Everyday I strive to walk in Jesus' size 12's, and everyday I come up short.
Love your neighbor…very important.
Thanks for hanging out with me fren.
rode the bus in san fran with that dude pictured.