Documents expose US biological experiments on allied soldiers in Ukraine and Georgia
"The program does this by destroying or securing biological agents (“Select Agents”) at their
source and building the capacity to detect, diagnose, and report a disease outbreak.83
The Department of State also funds bio-security programs, managing those that address scientist
training, biosafety and biosecurity best practices, and industry partnerships under the Global Threat Reduction’s Biosecurity Engagement Program (see “Securing Knowledge and Expertise”
section, below). The State Department program is primarily designed to prevent terrorist access to dangerous pathogens (or chemicals or nuclear material), and programs are concentrated in
countries with the highest current risk."
"The CTR program has built a secure Central Reference Laboratories (CRL) for pathogen
collections in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, and is constructing a CRL in Azerbaijan. Currently, the
CTR program has completed upgrades at 39 “Secured Labs” in Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
and Ukraine. DOD continues to support upgrades and training at these facilities.
CTR will continue to work in this region to improve security and disease surveillance. Central
Asia is a region that experiences natural disease outbreaks, such as plague, brucellosis, and
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, as well as zoonotic diseases. As many of the scientists from the Soviet era retire, a new generation of experts will need to step up to manage the public health and biosecurity programs in these states, which have limited resources."
"According to the FY2016 DOD CTR budget request, DOD plans to continue bio-engagement
efforts in the former Soviet Union90 (FY2016 funds executed over three years, a breakdown of
budget numbers by region is not given). This includes biosafety and biosecurity (BS&S)
equipment upgrades and training, as well as disease detection, diagnosis, and reporting
enhancements. Major projects in the former Soviet Union include completing the construction of the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) in Kazakhstan; the startup of the Lugar Center in Tbilisi, Georgia, and completing oversight of the construction and installation of BS&S equipment at the CRL in Azerbaijan. Global Cooperative Biological Engagement (CBE)"
That would be testing outbreaks on the locals.
Read. It. All.