Cognitive dissonance gets the best of most of us at some point in our lives. My point of view is that sifting through the half truths that we've been taught and striping it of political agenda is extremely difficult. Most of us, especially those who have only recently been red pilled or partially red pilled, have difficulty looking into exactly WHY WE BELIEVE WHAT WE BELIEVE and who taught it to us and why. Most people don't distinguish how much of that belief is from either personal experience or concrete provable fact, and how much is just adopted suppositions.
We get so entrenched in our adopted world view that if anything challenges that we freak out and go on the defensive.
The thing is, schools ARE indoctrination. It has been designed and shaped to be just that. We are not taught to question. We are taught a specific definition of life, the universe, and everything. Theory today is taught like fact in schools. Question and not only do you get bad grades but you are ostracized. So children don't question, and ultimately, they permanently adopt that world view as their own.
As adults they protect that world view vehemently . I know I did. But the more you learn, the more you realize how you've been misled, lied to and sold a set of beliefs that are not only based on zero proof but begins to fall apart under scrutiny.
I can't prove where we come from….and neither can any scientist out there. I just want people to realize that we don't "know" as much as we think we know. And belittling other peoples belief systems is hypocritical and pointless. We all are adrift without any proof, and moreover, we all have a "belief" that we use to anchor us to this world. None of us corner the market on truth.