>>1578680 (lb)
This makes me suspicious.
Most anons here knows Qanon.pub
I've never heard of Qmap.pub.
If she is really lurking here wouldn't she point to Qanon.pub?
>>1578680 (lb)
This makes me suspicious.
Most anons here knows Qanon.pub
I've never heard of Qmap.pub.
If she is really lurking here wouldn't she point to Qanon.pub?
Okay now this needs to stop.
You want authority? here is your fucking authorityโฆ
You are watching a f*cing movie. You can't believe what you read.
These people are actors. Roseanne too.
Now stop it please !
Here you go
Disregard this. ^
I downloaded it before i realized i had to click picks to not download the thumbnail.
Wouldn't use that word as it implies it collapsed in on itself.
Exploded is more fitting i think.
Wow shills are hard at work today.
First time i've seen so many shifting shill narratives in only one day.
Wreaks of panic.
New world order?
Old world order?
Satanic world order?
Cabal world order?
What do (((they))) actually believe?
Do (((they))) really worship satan?`
Was satan even a thing before Christianity/Talmudism?
Is satan just a concept (((they))) created to keep you in fear and mask their actual beliefs?
hmm.. What could the "N" in NWO be?
It's not New, it's not Nazi.
Could it be:
Nimrods world order?
Here i go dropping gold and you guys don't even bat an eye.
I think i just figured out why Q wouldn't spill these beans yet.
Well anyways, it's only a matter of time.
If you feel for there is more research to be had on the topic.
Look into Nimrods Promise.
(((their))) usual channels are being depleted.
(((they))) are getting desperate to get (((their))) fix.
This will be (((their))) downfall.
This is a very tragic event.
Let's fight for her not dying in vain.