>>1578580 (lb)
I'll start & end with this:
I'm off to read the article in full, and to look more into the topic. In the meantime, keep in mind that your approach, is just as important as your message.
>YOU are on the wrong side of this and you don't even attempt to hide your support of it. These pictures appear every so often here and up until today, I looked past them. Today was the day I put my foot down.
I used a meme that offended you, and you chose ME to put your foot down on. Well, Today is he day I defend myself and get the foot off my neck.
>And you did nothing to see that YOU are exploiting children. Just look at the damn picture! You derive value from a crying child? 'Normal' people see it and KNOW the child is in pain.
I very well could be on the wrong side of this, however, your approach is wrong. Expect defensiveness in return.
"Hey, did yo know that those photos were taken by XYZ, and that it's said that she abused the children to get the desired effect?"
Would be a good way to convince anon to think twice. Putting your proverbial foot down and flashing credentials, is not as effective, as you may be seeing now. Try diplomacy, then war if diplomacy doesn't work.
I'm off to read the article in full, and to look more into the topic. In the meantime, keep in mind that your approach, is just as important as your message.