A book of allegorical contra time travelers
@kim can you put a spin on these corpses in politics
Harry almost killed the neighbor kid cause he was too high on the cocaine. Btw
ForeigncuckscommitingillegalsurveilancetOpRotecttredeautrannyshillplErbitopianskullandbonesbyBYButtfuckitunes Is teh illegals too fegel
Falseweddingidolatryferfalsehomotusfalsememoscausefalsetaxescausecocaineintehplerbiterians is teh illegals too
It was like twenty years ago when teh soros cia salad tossing experiment decided to have a unicorn guy buffet at Mandalay Bay for skull and bones .
Govtpedocuckpropoganda kys josh
Shitting a frump was old jaurez slang for hangover shits the next day.
Time traveler
I'm shocked these pedovulture antisemites filibuster like a broken 45
Good thing we know their IP address
Let's shit some frumps
Like a frump infomercial to take your real estate for fraudulent tax purposes of the cia
Caca flinger
Using a cia pediterian to coverup tredeaus Harvard pedoteriabis like recursive passive aggressive Satan worship huh, for a false memo cause the cia false taxes eh. Sounds illegal AF fegel
Cabinet o pedocuck plerbiterians worshippIng trannyshillsweddingforbuttfuckitunes cause Harvard gots those judges that are into cannbaluam from cia tredeau hogg coverup
Midget frump is being polite to the cia installed pedotus plerbiterian homotus frumpotus tax dodge , cause their psyops are weak sauce lores lesbos . Babybraineaters
Rare photo of my two fucks