Any fags care to share their thoughts on Tartaria? A mud flood in the 1800s that wiped out civilization seems like a crack pot theory, but is there any truth hiding in this at all? Just curious because some otherwise logically thinking people seem to subscribe to this belief.
This anon needs to look into Mccarthy because seems to me like he was the only one with any sense at the time.
No slide, but I understand why you think it is. Off subject, yes. I’m a real human who is genuinely asking the question.
Yeah, makes sense. Fun fact about Soros. One of my family members had a dinner with him, and he offered them a job. Family member said they would think about it and get back to him by Monday (dinner was Friday), and when they called Monday the offer was off the table. Interesting tactic, speaks to his inflated view of himself imo. This was in the nineties.
Preesh. Never heard of Sephr. Anon above said Khazars wiped out the Tartarians in a war. I appreciate the input just looking for the truth, there’s always a bit of it in every theory, otherwise it wouldn’t have any legs whatsoever.
With all of our talk of flipping the system upside down this seems like an un-winnable idea. Nobody cares enough about these kinds of subjects, they just go away over time.
I hear you. I have a diverse family of many different origins and belief systems. I’ve exposed myself enough over time that I’m not exactly hiding so my post shouldn’t trigger a consequence other than what I’ve publicly said would. Just adding some info to the discussion.
I’m aware of how evil these people are. I’m also aware of how much they fear God. So, it is what it is.
Yeah. Mary has always been a slide to me. She birthed Jesus, but what was Jesus’ message? It wasn’t to worship idols. Or to defend the idea of a Pope. It was quite the opposite. He said we can outdo the miracles we saw him do. He spoke against the religious leaders of his time. He raged against the money changers, the equivalent being our modern day bankers. I see no reason to worship Mary, or a Pope, or anything other than the creator. Outside of that, we have written on our hearts all the information we need. Just ask for it and be willing to hear the answer. Faith.
Who tf knows. I’ve wavered between everything is a lie to all conspiracies are a distraction and back again. I will continue looking for the truth. Interesting Tartarian idea is that they harnessed static electricity. Same idea as John Galt’s motor.
Forgive me but isn’t this the type of subjectivity that leads to these assholes diddling kids? Are there no objective truths?