> or other content reported by anons.
So basically you can delete whatever you want wherever you want as long as a triggeranon gets triggered.
ANY CONTENT. Notice the word 'or'
Open ended to become like any other social engine out there. Are you really not understanding why that's a canary getting killed?
>just so that tacky propaganda spammer goes down with the canary!
That's not how that works … that's not how any of this works!!
GOOD! because that shittily phrased sentence is bound to end up looking shitty. You need more lawfags and smartfag input before issuing BO decrees flippantly. Jesus Christ help everyone see reason.
>Nope, I'm 'tarded, explain it to me. Type slow and use small words
Official policies with open ended declarations inevitably result in exercise of powers granted. You are a patriot, are you not? You should know this.
I refuse to board your elevator term induced hellride. Lefties can fuck off that pretending to give a shit about our country while they arson and #resist and kill SCOTUS and Conservatives on the regular. You must get off their thought control mechanism before it's too late. There are many applicable terms but I will never cede one especially when they're lying.
how wude
Because Jim has never heard of a mechanical turk and thinks 90's era technology is the best.
Ghidra is a pretty cool black box reversing tool. Though java fucks up and prints GUI weird letters sometimes so I have to reinstall it. Write once, run awfully everywhere.
What do you think that was right now? Me calling out the bullshit policy phrasing. You're essentially saying it's ok because ANON will be there 100% of the time to call out the bullshit act when you know that is not the case, and furthermore they should not have a problem with the phrasing getting changed which it halfway did while still maintaining the logical capability to apply to any post anywhere.
Did you forget that my calling out bullshit matters too or did you hope a boot landed on your neck would taste good?
Good luck getting Jim to answer your questions. He will just tell you 'grow up'. Seriously. That's how comped he is.
>describes what will happen in reality
Try it for yourself asking what question he had. You'll see.
It's not about the time you retarded idiot. You have to query why B is still up and query if it's still possible. Smoothbrain.
Because you're actually retarded.
If you're unable to maintain a threaded discussion context, that's not my problem. You're just retarded. No amount of "I do not understand you" will ever fix the retardation.
Reaching. :-)