but normies get banned for mocking them, fuck twitter. Say something even a little edgy you get shit canned sick of this rules for thee but not for me crap.
SO sick of the retardation and brain washing. The more they push the more i want to be a russian.
to be honest i would not expect russia to allow people in. Poland is at least semi smart by not allowing the shit skins in.
it was always going to happen, seen it happen before just trying to put all my memories in order but yes, Putin will crash the dollar Russia will become a world super power america will collapse under the weight of debt by the cabal. Violence will over run the cities because of the infiltration by those who do not hold american values. This may only be one outcome i keep searching for another.
I do to, but until that thread is pulled, and it will be but i do not like the out come in my mind not at all.
I hope they do get punished as of right now i am seeing a world brainwashed into war and i wonder if this is how it always has been.
Fuck all these companies. No more should be paid back to them , pay pal, mc, visa, all are evil
you are not wrong.
and so here is the new wrong think.
it will be harder for them to take that moral stance with china.