>stop screaming I’m scared too
Anon can deal with crazy shit or life-threatening situations like it’s a jog in the park … but get a parking ticket or have to deal with normal shit.. it feels Anon will die from stress. Not sure why
>stop screaming I’m scared too
Anon can deal with crazy shit or life-threatening situations like it’s a jog in the park … but get a parking ticket or have to deal with normal shit.. it feels Anon will die from stress. Not sure why
Rule #1: Believe nothing.
This ordeal is the best example of “don’t give a fuck, carry on”
>Problem with rabbit holes
>Is that they lead to spider webs
… and snakes, and, and, and, and..
>just give me something
Anon gained a real gift over the last few years. Even though the alleged horrors of what has been done affected anon greatly… anon isn’t angry at [them]. It’s liberating. Anon would talk and does talk smack all day but anon doesn’t have anger. Learning about the alleged baby-eating was a doozy but it is what it is. Have processed it and only took a few short years. Can average folks do the same? Can we regain peace without unrest? That’s where anons mind is. Things will work out. Hope to play a role in keeping normies “in check” when they learn of the alleged stuff that has been discussed … there was no chance keeping normies “in check” during Floyd riots so anons hope is more info is released at the right moment to avoid that. Who knows. Anon doesn’t.
>to keep your thoughts from dissecting you into a 1000 pieces
Based on your response Anon would say you have a promising future. Wish anon could say the same for anons self.. just trying to make it day to day. Still here, though. Long haul, for sure. Anon would just be happy with the Trump family being vindicated from all the viscous attacks from all sides. Anon would kick feet up and smile on that day
Anon has actually found that a wok can make the best popcorn if one knows how to “toss” food items in a pan.
Regular folks will never ask; “why the fuck are human heads being stolen?!”
“Scientific research” is their sand
Anon is nearly 100% certain anon heard 45 say in an old interview humans have been here millions of years. It breaks all chronological explanations of our “past”, which we already assumed/knew. It auto played on gheyTube years ago but have never been able to find it since, by design anon theorizes (obviously). This place is wayyyyy older than we have been told. Regular folks would need a hospital from that info alone. Anons would be like; “fucking told you so, Moran!” Kek
>bots can’t detect
That was proven false by ERIC CIARIMELLA , or however the fuck your spell it.
>but today we are dealing with a dirrect line of those who do know
That’s why we are here. It’s the proverbial politician/religious leader on a soapbox lying while anons throw rotten tomatoes at [them].
Not being a naysayer, just being honest… for now it’s an echo chamber, just like Twitter for blue check marks. You have time. When regular folks start migrating after a revelation then that is when it will truly matter. Take your time. No worries, anon
Anon hasn’t even tried to sign up. Still have a few lefties on social media that haven’t deleted anon yet and getting the word out even if it makes them uncomfortable or dislike anon. Balls out until [they] crumble. Will sign up when anon sees the “sign”.
Expanded thinking, right here. Anon will springboard off your post to also say there are many meanings to “layers”. A video anon saw of an ex- JFK admin person said many layers need to be peeled back. It made notables when anon found it like 2.5 years ago. It was a profound speech. Good luck to all of us trying to find it now. Only people that have it are archive anons, anon guesses. It was infinity. Perhaps it was more recent so not entirely sure. Life is a blur the past few years with all the info
>8kun would certainly hospitalize most normies.
Would agree on that. Regular folks just trying to watch “tv” to escape their 9-5 and bury their heads. We all do it in some fashion. Some more than others. Who would really wanna work 9-5 just for a place to live and food and fuel to get to work with nothing left? That’s a major obstacle as to why the “heads in sand” happens. Anon lives like a wanderer. It sucks, for sure. Anon misses anons family life very much but it is gone. Still here, though. Something bigger is happening on the macro that is calling us but anon still wishes things happened differently on the micro. Would probably give this whole ride up just to still have our home and family.
Imagine one shitpost changed the entire world forever? Can certainly say that “shitposting” in spoken word definitely does that so why couldn’t typed words? Shitposting is bigger than people even realize, anon theorizes