any theory of the current situation that doesnt take in to account the existence of monoliths, 6 million block pyramids and 10K year old cities buried in the sand is void
bet theyre all NATO calibers and useless to the kraines
imagine your sole reason for existence is to be a fanboi
level up to groupie and move to arizona
you got penced
splain it to me then brian
10K old cities
if anyone has better sauced info
share it
yeah, i dont do found it on the webz
i agree.
we have been cycling humanity here a lot longer than we are being told
gold silver bronze ages
ancient gods & immortals
no telling how far back it goes
but today we are dealing with a dirrect line of those who do know
>Would probably give this whole ride up just to still have our home and family.
yes, but
very few will have witnessed what we did
our shitpoasts & dank memes will live forever