Get on with it already!
She is still alive?
Anybody have a guide to this? Is white or green important? Post a damn legend and maybe a dumb fuck guide to what the legend means. What are the axis? Time and what?
I went by a station that put paper over the board with the prices because the board wouldn't go that high.
This gets posted regularly. A graph or report page should be able to stand by itself. There should be enough information to tell what you are trying to convey and why. These Shulman graphs get posted and any normie that seems them has no clue what it is, what it is supposed to mean or why it was posted. The units are shit, the data isn't obvious and it cannot stand without additional support. If we are the news then we have to do better. Drunken rant over.
See >>15795548
Nice digits and tits. The bifecta.
"Sees them" dang drunk phonefag autocorrect
This is my point. There isn't enough information in the chart as posted to know where to start your own research. What am I looking at? A earthquake? A vibration? A stock chart? The Russian stock market? Global warming vs Caribbean pirates? I can't tell and I know exactly what I am looking at.
Ok, how do you add this information to the graph or post such that it can be found by a dipshit such as myself without asking repeatedly. My point is and has been make the graph stand by itself. Add the URL? A better title and axis? The direct link? Not trying to be a dick, just trying to make the post better because it is interesting but only to those who know what it is because it doesn't say or lead you to what it is or what it means.