>… leave-behind…
‘It’s a trap!’
Props to no one in that fucked up set-up who can’t/won’t call bullshit.
And yet, as the equipment is indistinguishable, another quadrant of Media reports ‘it’s the Putin Forces retreating in abject defeat’… right?
‘Just look at the love of a nurturing woman comforting a child (in the middle of a complete shitshow sustained by all the participants)… pay no mind to the shitshow generating these situations.’
In addition to ALL the things you mentioned…
I am now instituting a FeelzEmbargo too. My sympathies have run dry. Sure sure, i can even withdraw sympathy, for those who want me to feel sympathy, for those trapped in the shitshow. Cya.
Surrounded by (otherwise) very decent, caring, loving and (wanting to be) productive people… seeming to intentionally be holding their own eyes shut tight to their own role in building and sustaining this horrific and ultimately mass-deadly situation.
Cessation of all participation with IT, is the way and most peaceful. Yes, i have run out of feelz for people trying to point out the cute little kittens playing with a yarn ball… in the middle of a battlefield.
Not a bad illustration of the confusion MADE by the so-called ‘intel’/BigTech/Media stoking a war of Feelz, to MAKE a War with guns and bombs.
Of note: ‘someone’ oopsied in the controlroom getting the names and identities mixed up. ‘Oops, sory bout that’
Speaking only for myselfanon, Trump can not regain a foothold of sympathy from me until he addresses his own role in the civilization-destroying CovidiaScam (going-along-to-get-along, or some other HIGHLY convoluted “plan”).
So, still giving him the benefit of doubt that he was ONLY duped by Covidia… if he is now letting the Media put such words in his mouth without objecting, or he is actually saying such and willful…
Then yes, Trump is goading ww3. Sad.
Safety First
Freewill sounds great.
Yet i’m completely grossed out by all the people running around exercising Freewill based on a most illogical and ungrounded Worldview (yes, i know most of their world-view it is NOT of their own making… but that hardly slows people down from running around all crazy-n-shit).
If cacti would remain planted in the ground, i could take note of their location and duly avoid interacting.
HOWEVER, the cacti you allude to, are walking and driving and occupying Public Office everywhere and INSISTING to be interacted with.
What do?
A prison guard with the keys unjustly holding you in prison… brings you a drink of water?
Sure, give thanks.
Some cool heads doing their level best to address and advise the crowd.
Without incident (please dear lord), that should be about three hours for the lead truck to do two laps.
Just Say’n
Asif the so-called “Intel-Community” can’t see the conflagration that’ll come from that. Methinks [they] be stupid, and diabolical.
Tinted lenses, looking into a broken mirror, reflecting through fog, down a hall of funhouse mirrors.
The ‘past’ is very difficult to comprehend when so many people work to keep it covered in smokebombs.