You thanking baker with granny tits?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>That's some awesome bewbage.
Dude, I'm almost sixty and even I gagged on my beer.
Let my dog hump your leg in appreciation of your post.
And to show I am without malice and a good cunt
Some nice tits
Unfortunately, your evil dubs confirm we is all faggots
I am full of great as well as grate.
Perhaps grateful was the word you were searching for.
Fucking tarde
>I find this extremely doubtful
>"Box of human heads stolen from truck in Denver"
So that's what happened to it!
I've been waiting on those fuckers for ages.
>Candace Owen is a Zionist tool.
Guess sarchasm passes you by, eh?
It's ok, we can't all have triple digit IQs, but we could at least shoot for double digits.
Oh no it won't.
Seriously, i would love to see any other view that shows this is a negress looking down.
No matter how much fried chicken I stuff into my mouth, I cannot for the life of me see that.