Leftist anti-Russia shills are trying to control the narrative now that normalfags are here. Their posts are hilariously inorganic, considering 1) /pol/ is pro-Russia since he saved Assad, and 2) it would take a schizophrenic to say, "Fuck immigration and vax mandates," but then turn around and side with the same deep state, which now astroturfs solidarity for a Jewish Ukraine and encourages citizens to fight a fight they can't win so they can flood Europe with more black refugees and pin a big number of dead noncombatants on Putin. Russia is evil for reclaiming a country that was indistinguishable from it for centuries to improve its security state, while globalists place nukes and launch pointless wars and brutal regime changes (one prevented by Russia) all across the globe without even a slap on the wrist.
Globalists are pouring millions of "dark money" dollars into online propaganda, commonly employed by information ministries, specialized military units and political operatives to shape the flow of information. "Russian trolls" are nothing compared to the cyberwafare budget of the Western Hemisphere. Check Table 3 for a glimpse:
Shills always plagued 4chan, be it perfidious propaganda or slide threads with topics ranging from suggestive suicidal ideation to framing /pol/ as incels with anti-women threads, but notice how said threads came to a halt the second Russia's invasion became imminent:
Anti-Russia shills are anti-white:
Pro-Russia sentiment gets deleted:
Ad hoc analyses show that /pol/ has hundreds of slide threads at any given time (go-to flags: Slavic, Nordic, Netherlands, Georgia, UK, Canada, Australia, Greek, Brazil, meme).