Anonymous ID: d9b3a9 May 29, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.1580355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0395

WorkFag here. Wanted to wait until I was home before posting this idea. Have a (black) female co-worker who was encouraged by the news that ABC cancelled 'Roseanne.' Said the way people talk is the worst it's ever been. Sorry isn't enough, like this cancellation, people need to be taught a lesson. I didn't bother trying to remind her how bad it felt for me, a white male, during Obama's presidency. I've learned you can't have a normal conversation with someone while they're raging with TDS. Yes, she was blaming President Trump for Roseanne's tweet.


Forget having an Eric Holder led corrupt DOJ (Civil Rights Division), that openly stated white people, by definition, could not be on the receiving end of a racist act. Forget watching 'knock-out' fatality after 'knock-out' fatality and having NO recollection of ever hearing Obama express one word of compassion for the injured/murdered.' No recollection of him ever calling the family of a victim to offer his condolences. No, it's all because of President Trump.


Which leads me to this idea (hope I'm not repeating someone's idea). If people need to be taught a lesson, and shows and other bookings need to be cancelled to illustrate it, then it's time to start a petition to have 'comedian' Michelle Wolf's latest contract voided. If Roseanne's (a private citizen) tweet was unacceptable than how Michelle Wolf treated Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, forget the comments about Kellyanne Conway, were certainly beyond the pale. What's good for the goose is good for the gander! Let's go anons. Time to show some of our own (David) Hogging ability.