.. effective the United Nations’ efforts to ad-
dress conflicts and save lives in Africa and
East Timor, and to raise the profile of public
health as a matter of global security, includ-
ing through debate and passage of United
Nations Security Council Resolution 1308 on
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke continued
to marshal international attention and re-
sources to combat the HIV/AIDS crisis by
catalyzing the private sector response to the
global AIDS pandemic through the Global
Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Tuber-
culosis and Malaria, which mobilized cor-
porations to address HIV/AIDS, garnered
CEOs to be an advocacy force in the fight,
and served as the private sector focal point
for the Global Fund on HIV/AIDS, Tuber-
culosis and Malaria;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke served as
a steadfast emissary of the United States as
the Special Representative for Afghanistan
and Pakistan, tirelessly advocating for
United States interests and peace in the re-
gion, mobilizing unprecedented international
support, facilitating economic, transit,
trade, and security cooperation between Af-
ghanistan and Pakistan, and working to en-
hance stability, to build prosperity, and to
counter extremism and terrorism in the re-
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke forged a
new civilian-led, multi-agency approach
seeking to bring stability and development
to the lives of millions striving for a better
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke was one of
the most talented diplomats for the United
States and possessed a fierce determination
and intelligence in advocating for United
States security interests around the world,
including in Southeast Asia and post-Cold
War Europe, at the United Nations, and most
recently in Afghanistan and Pakistan;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke was a pro-
lific writer and communicator, serving as
the Managing Editor of Foreign Policy, au-
thoring works such as ‘‘To End A War’’,
‘‘Counsel to the President’’, one volume of
the Pentagon Papers, and a monthly column
in The Washington Post, and sharing the art
of mediation with countless audiences;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke lent his
expertise toward the improvement of man-
agement and organization for a host of non-
governmental organizations, serving as a
board member of Refugees International, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the National
Endowment for Democracy, the American
Museum of Natural History, and the Citizens
Committee for New York City, as Chairman
of the Asia Society, as Founding Chairman
of the American Academy in Berlin, and as a
Woodrow Wilson Scholar;
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke motivated
many Americans to enter public service and
served as an inspirational leader and public
servant, mentoring countless United States
Department of State officers and future am-
Whereas from Southeast Asia to post-Cold
War Europe and around the globe, people
have a better chance of a peaceful future be-
cause of Ambassador Holbrooke’s lifetime of
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke was re-
nowned internationally for his energy, per-
sistence, sharp intellect, and skills of persua-
sion; and
Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke leaves be-
hind his beloved wife Kati, sons David and
Anthony, step-children Elizabeth and Chris,
daughter-in-law Sarah, four grandchildren,
and countless friends and colleagues: Now,
therefore, be it ..