DTRA program costs from FY2006
(a) FUNDING FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES.—Of the $415,549,000
authorized to be appropriated to the Department of Defense for
fiscal year 2006 in section 301(19) for Cooperative Threat Reduction
programs, the following amounts may be obligated for the purposes
(1) For strategic offensive arms elimination in Russia,
(2) For nuclear weapons storage security in Russia,
(3) For nuclear weapons transportation security in Russia,
(4) For weapons of mass destruction proliferation prevention in the states of the former Soviet Union, $40,600,000.
(5) For biological weapons proliferation prevention in the
former Soviet Union, $60,849,000.
(6) For chemical weapons destruction in Russia,
(7) For defense and military contacts, $8,000,000.
(8) For activities designated as Other Assessments/
Administrative Support, $14,600,000.