this faggot needs to fuck off. Voting in a broken system is a joke. But maybe he can recite another satanic prayer while he finger bangs ramtha.
hey can you fuck off and kys you dumb nigger.
it is the oh shit oh shit shill. But it would be interesting seeing how young men react to being drafted and the sexism of the selective service, and then see a bunch of trannys trying to escape it. Comedy at the very least.
not when they see supposed war footage and crying babies. They are not ready to see it was all fake from either previous wars or video games or just done for show. Some are getting there but normies also still trust right wing media they think if all the nations are saying it they must be right.
i know oh shit anon is most likely lying and being a fag, but i do think it could cause questioning at the very least about the need for selective service or at least why are women not included in it, especially for equity.
i think it is f&g at the moment but damn it would be funny to scare the shit out of them. Also to see how many did not actually sign it but are getting benefits somehow.