>I vote keep it
>Any anons interested in more can dig deeper on the guy
I ditto this statement
Did you even read what it said! The Earth is not flat, but much bigger than we've been told…and then points to our section, labeled SHIT! It was a fucking joke! You people!
Fucking brainiacs go off on a tangent without even LOOKING at what is right in front of their fucking ffaces! Fuck off! YOU are what is wrong with our world! Get off your high horses and learn to READ.
Perhaps I might have stepped out for a moment…so sick of the BS and LIES being peddled as TRUTHS and JOKES being interpreted as FACT. and the reading between the lines!!!! Apologies anons…I pulled myself back.
That was priceless and I apologize for letting my irrational anger at the world take it out on you…talk about not reading!
Operation Z[nb 1] was a defensive plan put into place by the Japanese during World War II to defend the Marianas Islands, and in particular, Saipan.
Early in 1944 the United States military, after landing on Kwajalein Atoll, set their eyes on the Marshall Islands. To help with the attack, on February 17, 1944, they bombarded Truk, Caroline Islands, due to its proximity to the Marshall Islands. During this bombardment, the Japanese lost 300 aircraft and some 200,000 tons of merchant shipping.[1]
Who actually decided what the Russians are doing in Ukraine was Operation Z?
A RUSSIAN invasion force aboard tanks and armoured vehicles marked with a letter “Z” was rumbling towards Ukraine’s border today.
In yet another ominous sign of looming war, vehicles were understood to have been marked with distinctive white letter inside a square box to avoid friendly fire once action begins.
The Deep Staters are so unimaginative, they repeat, recycle and reuse anything that worked previously, and when it doesn't…they throw tantrums and declare lockdowns!
How about some more Plan Z memorabilia: Dönitz had long believed that too many resources were spent on the surface fleet to the detriment of the submarine fleet, but even he balked at the order to scrap them.
In 1939, Adolf Hitler developed a plan in which would provide Germany with a naval fleet to rival the Royal Navy. Known as “Plan Z,” it would have brought the German navy to its full strength in 1945–the year the Second World War ended.
There is nothing new in blood and WAR. We need a new normal, that is for sure!
I'd be tracking flights into with researchers/scientist/or other workers from abroad into that area!
Hold it off all the way since 1944…that's impressive then! Hoorah to you guys! kek
kek Thee are still 13 watching
If this is WEBB then what is photographing WEBB?