Be encouraged. Dress your moose seasonally. Keep males responsibly. Fine animals, Like Wojtek the bear.
Love this place!
Q did educate us about 'Z'. If 'The Plan' encountered resistance might 'Q Team' have to invoke 'Z'? Is that what Russia is showing us in the field?
Exactly. Q told us what 'Z' means. Read the drops about the need for 'Z'. We avoided that here, but it became necessary globally:
Use Logic.
Why would we tell you the plan if in doing so also alerts those who we are actively engaged in HUNTING?
You are witnessing, first-hand, the demise of those in power [OLD GUARD].
Those who push simply have no grasp of reality.
Those who push simply do not understand warfare tactics.
Emotions cloud judgement.
Emotions cloud logic.
You have more than you know.
Securing the SENATE meant EVERYTHING.
Securing the SC meant EVERYTHING.
We, the PEOPLE.
Do you think all these attacks on 'Q' (We, the People) is simply for a person on the internet who they label as a conspiracy?
Think for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Research for yourself.
Be in control of yourself.
NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.
Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.
Excellent, thank you. Interesting perspective that my ancestors, Canadians from Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are of a possibly compromised nation serving, in some sense, as a 'Ukraine-like' vassal state to the US.
>Putin is not an angel. He is somewhat the 'Trump' of Russia. He's fighting to return morality, faith and civic pride to Russia. Putin is the best thing America has going in the Eurasia Theater. Xi and Putin.
Thank you, Russian Brothers and Sisters.
There is still hope for one's such as these. They have been overcome by the world. We'll help them understand.
We wonder. Who told you that about Putin and Russia? Have they proven to be a reliable news source? Could they have an agenda? Could they be compromised and working for the highest bidder?
I understand, anon. I recognize your truth. All of our peoples have been used and exploited. As part of the Great Awakening we must understand that we, along with our ancestors, have been exploited.
What they knew of and were expected to model their worldview by came from very limited sources. We have more sources, but the same vulnerabilities. Bless you and yours.
> … Northern Ireland about the troubles at the time.
I remember. From the Gloucester perspective in the US at the time. o7
We may each be their best hope. Sometimes we are their only hope. They will awaken and need us.
>the BOOMERS told me that this was all a "CONSPIRACY THEORY."
A lot of them went to a meat grinder far from home, Anon. More were subverted by cultural changes from external sources. I've got my feelings too about the 'yuppies' and disco, but that generation served or marched or sang about it.