Anonymous ID: 985c66 March 7, 2022, 8:51 p.m. No.15809560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9672

>>15809231, >>15809318, >>15809313 lb


not everything goes to plan-even evil ones.

Take a look what happened in the markets that exact date 101018-from the economist cover.

Cap#2 is the SP500 that fell off a cliff and they told everyone in 1988 they were gonna do it.


They started dropping the market and that overall drop lasted until January 2019. The Japanese started up the yen-carry trade again with an emergency meeting shortly after the start of the new year 2019 and voila! markets popped and drop reversed

Incidentally it was this vehicle (yen to dollar conversion) that kept the US system from imploding after the 2008 event.

Greenspan running around the world with his 'gold-backed' bonds also helped too.

Japanese yen is now approaching another intervention level, value wise and when they do that the markets will reverse for a bit.


They already tried to introduce a western hemisphere currency called the Amero ala the EURO and also full of symbolism.

A combination of US/Canada/Mexico to accentuate and accelerate NAFTA.

It never came off because it would have combined those three central banks under one called the North American Central Bank and that did not really help the banking cabal cause the goal has always been to establish one in every country to take advantage of the FOREX flows and then arbitrage the spreads between them.

Having three instead on one worked better for them.

Anonymous ID: 985c66 March 7, 2022, 9:20 p.m. No.15809752   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Quit in 2013 -took the pile and said fuck you very much

Had some trades busted (overturned) and was not the only one but the system decided that the wrong group of people made money that day

Already had the wire set-up and they fucked me and everyone else who made money on a short-can't even remember what it was-by claiming force majuere. That was about $11k that instantly vanished so I had enough.