Jews were leaders of the KKK on many occasions. I posted the images a while ago. Sorry can't now. Phonefagging.
By that logicโฆ
Trump is working with the Rothchilds until he rounds them up and invades Switzerland.
So Hitler was on FDR, Churchill, Ike and Stalin's side. He was on the same side as four jews leading the allies?
You converted me.
Why didn't the allies warn the world about International bankers and debt slavery but Hitler did? Why were the allies recognizing the Soviet Union knowing they killed tens of millions of christian whites? Hitler did.
Hitler was warning everyone about the evil globalists. The allies were the globalists.
Who thought it was a good idea to promote a fat jew hollywood comedian that already disrespected the national anthem?
The pro jew shills.
Thats who.
All the pro rosanne posts were distinctly semitic sounding in nature. Everyone could see it.
Constant defending of Roseanne and her leftist liberal views and agenda on her show.
Perfectly said. Amen.
Wrong. FDR was surrounded by jew cabal. This country was controlled by leftist jews that took over our media and the same run them to this day. This country was cabal way before WWII. Since they eliminated the threat of anti communism things have gone to shit haven't they?
No coincidence.