This is the face of the evil before us! They simply cannot be allowed to continue to exist.
Where has his old hag handler been? Seen in public lately?
maybe he isn't using QR to source his info. Maybe he uses QR to confirm his source info.
Huh? You are one of those "Special Kind of Stupid" people, I see.
'Outside Q comms' does not exist.
Outside Q fakers and liars abound.
So? You jealous your Vespa would take 20 million years to burn 3000 gallons of diesel?
These are the big boys, faggot!
HAHAHA? You just outed youself. It's KEK
Well, he does do the drama scenes better than Zelensky.
He's way better in the drama scenes than Zelensky!
Swolled Jesus
That cowboy hat and suit IS kinda hot. He's cleaned up real well.
i take it that is the Shit Meter
Time for the Tongues of Fire from Hell to rise up and claim its own!
Far more noble than other ways they could be taken out.