2002-2006 Sub-Prime Lending was allowed to be wrapped up into a derivative set of investment products. No real underwriting was done, the deadly combination of first time home buyers taking sub-prime introductory variable rate mortgages and homeowners financing their exuberance with second mortgages, led to "The Big Short" by Goldman Sachs, then enforced bankruptcy and consolidation by the Treasury Secretary who was a Goldman Sachs alumn.
Putting dogshit in gift wrap doesn't change change it's intrinsic value of "ZERO".
The $4plus gas was a result of Bush fucking us on energy by continuing to buy from OPEC.
All you have to do is realize that in 1947 the secrets act was signed into LAW giving the DeepState full cover by hiding intelligence activities from any real oversight. Since then the US governing via congress and the president is all theater. The CIA, FBI combo control everything and are definitely not aligned with America as a sovereign Country, but took on the NWO project as their goal.
Wait till Biden shuts down the coal production
After the "Fossil Fuels" Comes Nuclear
Energy source Billion kWh Share of total
Natural gas 1,575 38.3%
Coal 899 21.8%
Petroleum (total) 19 0.5%
Petroleum liquids 11 0.3%
He's fucked….
Putin just informed him, He is not the president of the EU and that Russia has the Spear of Destiny.
Good analogy. Remember Behind the scenes with JFK on the Cuban Missile Crisis was the back channel demand that the USA remove the nukes they placed in Turkey on what was then the USSR border state.
We Have Never Been Told The Full Truth Question Everything
>Tom Shimabukuro, CDC
So the 2009 disaster with the H1N1 was overseen by this faggot. Now the COVID vax as well.
4500 Deaths is OK and expected
And EVERY war we sent the troops into was done by a democrat president, including the south seceding from the Union. Only the Spanish American war was initiated by Fillmore a Republican and he was what we would call a RINO today, having been a Whig party member until they disbanded.
Sure, July 1st should be Men's Day and since Independence Day is in July why not White History Month. Then we can illustrate how European Elites persecuted the common man until many came to America just for a chance at a new life.
The quick answer is "YES" because then we have leverage over the snitch.