kekking hard at FAUX NEWS, they are pushing so hard for this war, but still they don't realize that in a war…PEOPLE DIE…they are acting like in a fire-fight(like a game) everybody just gets up when it's over, brush the dirt off and walk away…pitiful, sad and pathetic…
Trump lives in the land of gold, he is getting richer by the second…
almost like the 3 trillion that went missing the day before 911…look here, don't look there…
or, at least act like your dead, plenty of fake videos already out there…
The Largest Survival Community On Earth
I'm glad all these cockroach traitors picked a side…
Just more names to add to the list that weren't there before…
Can it be more obvious that the MSM left Russia when Putin said that FAKE news will be punished…so instead of putting out the FACTS, the FAKE NEWS exposed themselves by leaving…how obvious can they get…
basically…if you are going to publish FAKE NEWS(NOT THE FACTS) you need to leave…
NEWS AGENCIES said OK…bye!!!…