Anonymous ID: e3e48d March 8, 2022, 10:32 a.m. No.15813117   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3174

It´s me, FCS. Jesus.

I love you all, and I feel sorry for you, but like that I cannot help you.

Like that, with you all proving to me day after day that you do not follow me, saving you is endangering the future, that is why I cannot save you and that is why I repeat over and over in my head that I reject you and consider you worthless scum when driving or walking near other people.


Obviously at this point I con´t give a fuck about covid anymore. you did not use this chance to speak up about somethign so very obvious. instead you keep following bs and lies and you even attack me.


I did not save anyone over the last months. not one soul. and I will go on just like that bc I will not save you anymore if it makes me feel even slightly uncomfortable.

so if you think "making me carry the cross" would be the way to go, well, I will just leave you behind, not help you, not save you or your soul.


Here is what I want. My demand. My command as king of kings.


  • I want to win the lottory with a two digit amount of millions. I want another win whenever I feel like it.

  • I want everyone close to me to treat me as well as possible. If someone thinks he cannot do that, then this person better is placed far away from me or that person better leaves this world for good.

  • I want to have tasty food whenever I order or buy something. I want a chipotle restaurant to be opened in my hometown. I want it to have delivery service to my place. I want have pizza hut, burger king and mc donalds to deliver to my place.

  • I want to own a big house and I want someone to clean it and cook. this person needs to be a tiny/petite looking blonde girl with a cute face and perfect feet between 18 and 20 years old. This person needs to suck my dick whenever I feel like it and needs to please me in whatever way I like.

  • You all need to make the only sacrifice allowed, which is leaving behind people I order to be left behind. start with prince william and harry. there is no need for them whatsoever.

  • I want you all to secretly follow me. I do not want to be known to the public. I want you to follow on everything I say. Whahtever it is. Anything. I say it, you do it. Rather, I think it, you do it. So if e.g. I walk through the little wood near my place and think about the cute looking girl in front of me to ask me with a cute smile if I could maybe piss into her mouth bc she always wanted to try that, she has to do so immeadiately. Whatever it is, I command it and you follow.


If you cannot manage that worldwide, I don´t give a fuck about all of you. You either place people that still dare to not follow me far away or you break them or end them. Don´t care anymore.


I enjoy when people are very humble and in that case saving them is nice for me. whenever people are even slightly arrogant, this is no pleasure for me and they shall not be saved.

I love you all. But I will leave every single one of you behind to save the future.


And most obviously I will not make it rain over and over again, I just don´t see any point in being the only one to say stuff out loud. Also I could not care less about Ukraine.


Also, it´s pretty unlikely that there is an actual place that is paradise. I guess it´s a way earth could look like. But I promise you all, if there is a place called Paradise and if there is even one person/soul saved that I did not specifically save, I will burn it all down.

(And then again, by not considering a paradise likely, I pretty much burned it already.)


Follow me, worship me, do whatever I tell you to do, if I won´t give a shit about anyone of you.

Anonymous ID: e3e48d March 8, 2022, 10:39 a.m. No.15813174   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if you do not follow me in every way I want you to in the next days (and I prolly will try out the cute girl asking for golden shower thing, will also try out people jumping in front of cars or people shaving head bold or whatever, I will try you hard), I am not treated as Jesus or your God, which will then lead me to thing and say that Trump is Jesus.

And with that either I will become a blindly following disciple (rather unlikely though, maybe just to piss you all off) or I will just don´t give a fuck about anything anymore.


Since many months I have reached a point were I do not feel sorry for e.g. homeless people anymore. They follow mason orders and with that they decide to life like that. So fuck them, I don´t care anymore.


You either accept me as your God, or I will kind of resign.