Trump is a brilliant strategist.
He tells the Federal Reserve (a private company) to keep interest rates low, thereby expanding the supply of money and credit and creating inflation.
He lowers taxes but doesn't shrink the size of government at all, so the Federal Reserve has to loan the government money it creates out of nothing, thus continuing to expand the supply of money and credit and creating inflation.
He does this, because he knows that in 4 years, when he's out of office, price inflation will be out of control, higher than it's ever been, under his opponents, who will take the heat because Americans are morons.
(Price inflation is as high as it was in the late 70s. Only now we calculate inflation differently. If we calculated it the same way it was calculated then, it would be a few % points higher, at least.)
Was he planting the seed to destroy the dollar reserve system in order to upend the current, elite-controlled world order?
For the bad actors to be truly taken out, the Federal Reserver, which finances their largesse, must be destroyed. No ifs ands or buts.
Here's a great video by the great Murray Rothbard explaining the origin of the Federal Reserve for those of you who don't know much about this.