And build electric planes?
Cog Dis
When I first discovered Q, I wanted to share it with everyone I knew. But they weren't as excited about it as I was. It's as if they didn't care about the truth. And I was surprised that a lot more people weren't following Q. It still mystifies me that people don't want to know the truth. They are comfortable with the lies they have been told.
Like a guy whose buddies tell him that his wife is cheating on him, and he doesn't want to believe it, and gets mad at his buddies for telling him the truth, instead of being mad at his wife.
Because his buddies probably know that if they tell him, he won't believe them, and will get mad at them. So they don't tell him, and he gets mad at them anyways for not telling him.
Kind of a lose/lose situation for his friends.
Maybe that's why it's best to drop crumbs and let people discover the truth for themselves.
Like maybe his buddy could say, "Hey I saw your wife the other day. Who was that guy she was with? Is that her brother?"
>Why would you tell anyone that the Q drops were true?
I never told them that. I would just tell them that I discovered something while I was poking around on the internet searching for truth.