Anonymous ID: 0b2464 May 29, 2018, 6:08 p.m. No.1581964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021

>>1581747 lb

Haven't watched that one yet, but have seen JF's other debates, would recommend. JF is informed, good-natured and reasonable. It is a good thing that we are talking more openly about this particular topic and all the topics we've been told to shut up about in modern marxist culture. When fighting cabal, the amount of flak you get lets you know exactly which subjects are important.


Go digging anywhere (((they))) don't want you looking and there will be a massive amount of ugly, confusing disinfo to try to get you to give up or lose your way. "Rabbit holes," "gatekeepers," "controlled oppo," and "shills" are all names for various tactics. I don't imagine there's a single one of us that hasn't fallen for at least one of them along the way.


But we're not Patriots because we're faint of heart or easily pulled off the scent. We're fighters. We fight for the truth. Most of the time, the battle is within. It's about having the courage to go it alone even if everyone around you rejects you over it. That's the beauty of the chans. It's truth>>>cuck-formity every time. It's what the nation fell in love with in our POTUS too.

Anonymous ID: 0b2464 May 29, 2018, 6:30 p.m. No.1582241   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OG anons scout out the edge of the territory, and the flak we take helps newfags and normies get the lay of the land. Their intuition starts informing them about the shill tactics after awhile, which are tricks: ad hominem attacks, manufactured outrage, name-calling. But no facts. Because the truth isn't on their side, it's on ours. Some newbs get overwhelmed and leave, because cognitive dissonance and desire to conform are powerful, and we all have to engage at our own pace. But truth gets under your skin, the noticing only increases, it never goes away. I think of wolves approaching free food: approach, test, withdraw, come a little closer next time… It's just basic caution warring against desire for a needed benefit. That benefit being: TRUTH