Exposing the Ukrainian Nazi soldiers and how our leadership wants us to fund them and arm them really pissed off the clowns.
Fake jews are nazis, so there's that.
Nazis funding "neo-nazis".
Operation Paperclip nazis never stopped being nazis. Neither did their offspring.
Read chapter 7 in Revelation
You fucking nazis glow.
I'm a Hispanic American you CIA glowcunt.
You fail. Top kek!
Filthy fucking nazis.
Our leadership and the mainstream media want US to fund them and arm them with OUR taxpayer money.
Ukrainian Nazis
Ukrainian Nazis
Ukrainian Nazis
Wrong. I'm an Atrisqueno. I'm a Spaniard and my people are documented as native to this land LONG BEFORE any whites and blacks came here.
You uneducated fool.
Easy. Geneology, war history, migration routes, and the Bible Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 7 in Revelation. All easy to gather and all open-source.
More likely that the Derp State will do it to us and blame it on Russia.
Holy shit, you're incredibly stupid. Kek!
You fail.
You're killing their narrative, anon.
Nazis that pretend to be jewish.
My people have flourishing in this land HUNDREDS OF YEARS before the stupid whites and blacks came here to fuck everything up.
You need to be removed.
Make America Great Again.
Give it back to the natives.
You Jerry Springer level retard.