Those large estates in Virginia and Mecedes on the DC Beltway. Where did you think it was going? Ukraine?
That Herod was an Idumean (Edomite)
Herod killed all the Israelite priests and replced them with fellow Idumeans. It was they who killed Jesus. And that is why God hates Esau (Edom). Because Esau and his decendents (Canaanites) were rebellious.
Genesis 25 to 27
Bidon can't do anything about the oil prices because he's not allowed too.
Or like a farmers co-op.
Yeah, remember that time she ducked onstage because of a loud noise or something, and slipped into her true form and started wringing her hands.
I suspect that weird move Pelosi did at the State of the Union, where she rubbed her knuckles together like a praying mantis was her involuntary hand-wringing response being disguised.
We have come fool circle and arrived where we started before the last time we came fool circle like the time before we came fool circleโฆ
They think we're stupid, because they have invested so much into making us stupid.