Red Text Antisemite shill promotes Q fight
mAybe hE iSn'T rEaLlY rEaL gUiSe; LeTs kEeP tAlKiNg aBoUt iT
Thank you for your input.
I disagree, especially if the slow input rate eliminates bots. They say folks are getting more interactions their then they do on other socials. That's Yuge if true.
hEy GuIsE lEt'S tRy tO pOiSoN tHe AdMiN wElL. ThAt oNe AlWaYs wOrKs! aMiRiTe?
if I were in charge of the QR shill team the first fucking thing I'd do is burn the playbook and start from scratch. I'd make up new shit. I don't fucking care how many centuries the old shit got me through. I'd be fucking embarassed if I had to keep using the same old fucking stale tactics over and over and over and I'd want to KMS everytime I had to try to use it again.
Fortunately, I'm with the winners, so I don't have to worry about these things.
>no trip no Q. Dat simples.
B proved this is bullshit logic.
Come up with something better.
we don't know that.
could be a fake. Multiple independent sources help in these situations and that's the only screen grab I've seen so far.
suddenly all the Q posts stating Trump can't look connected in any way are starting to make a whole lot more sense.
>don't move until you see it