LIVE KEKS: Cow loose in Los Angeles
Kirby: Although Russian air capabilities are significant, their effectiveness has been limited, due to Ukrainian strategic, operational, and tactical ground-based air defense systems, surface-to-air missiles, and manpads.
Kirby: The intelligence community has assessed the transfer of MIG-29s to Ukraine may be mistaken as escalatory, and could result in significant Russian reaction that might increase the prospects of a military escalation with NATO. Therefore, we also asses the transfer of MIG-29s to Ukraine to be high-risk.
Kirby: The Russian accusations are absurd; they are laughable. They are not developing biological weapons in Ukraine. It's not happening.
Kirby: We're not in the position to independently verify that. [claim that Russia attacked maternity hospital]
[The DOD would likely know exactly what happened; this adds even more doubt to story]
It was suspicious when first posted here, and is probably not the only fake that's been claimed to be from Truth Social.
President Trump: You should be scared. Because we have incompetent people heading up our country, who, frankly, got there through a fraudulent election.
President Trump: Be careful what you wish for. There is a theory out there that Germany should not be rebuilding their military so much.
President Trump: What is going on now [Russia/Ukraine] is a direct reflection on the Obama Administration.
President Trump: The press should be the policeman of the country; like for corruption. They don't report corruption. They don't talk about the laptop. It's off-bounds; you can't talk about it.
President Trump: They call it [YMCA] the gay national anthem.
President Trump: We have to free up the press in this country. If we don't free up the press, this country is finished.
Top story on my local news: 'Russia bombs children's hospital'
[they never lead with anything not from the area]