what the fuck are we all doing here?
do any of yall know any honest sherriff departments or law enforcement officers? For the past year I have been in the process of being framed. Asked for help, prayed for help and this dumb ass judge is going to put peoples lives in danger.
But it's cool, I gave love a shot, married a product of Georgia public school systems
this country was taken over long ago, sold out long ago, black pill, enjoy
it is not about Q or this board or the internet except to transmit videos back to those that demanded movie sets and directors
it is about the slaughter that was designed for us all
judge in divorce case, clearest cut dry of cult behavior, inner circle, hometown burn c_a operation around and dead silence from everyone.
this judge may issue an order she wants to send to the sheriff and it gets dangerous then, they can create narratives, they are trying