Has anyone been able to reconcile Trump being a white hat and supporting the jab? Seems to me that was the play all along, he did and said whatever neccessary to keep the game going, all eyes on fake news vs alt news, right vs left, globalism vs nationalism, and then when the time came, he put Pence, Fauci and Birx in charge of this giant psyop to mass inject the world population with AIDS to kill us off en masse over the next decade. How can he possibly be a white hat? Did he not reveal his hand? I'd love to hear some theories, ANY theories, cuz to me, it seems obvious as fuck that we got played, but obviously I could be wrong.
He straight up bragged about how quickly he had them rushed through, and even said not to let Biden take credit for the vax. He just recently said to get your booster, and said he didn't have any side effects.
Umm, maybe you don't know this, but the vast majority of the western world probably has AIDS now. I don't see how that was winning. I wish we could have a President who doesn't play fucking word games, and speaks the truth and never goes along with evil, even if it's part of the "plan". Supporting the jab is fucking stupid, and evil.
Anyone have a good resource page or something with digs on Eminem? Gotta redpill the LadyAnon
Exactly, so was that his play the whole time? Look over here at the nationalist battle, and not over there at the AIDS jab and fake pandemic coming.
I agree, and have said it many times, if even one good hearted, hard working, patriotic American gets AIDS or dies from listening to Trump, then FUCK HIM. Disgusting.
Who could possibly be a Trump replacement? Is there any hope left? Motherfucker didn't even put Strzok in jail! NOT ONE OF THEM.
Says it all, doesn't it?
Oh I know, so that's why I wish he would have done SOMETHING to stop it. Instead, all we hear is conjecture from alphabet letters and autistic people on an obscure website. IT'S THE PLAN. THE PLAAAAN. George Washington didn't have some stupid fucking word games, alright. He just went and literally fought some motherfuckers. We need a President of action now, no more words.
I literally supported Q and have surfed this board for many years, watched every Trump rally with my family, I was in the fight all along, and always will be, just struggle with reconciling Trump and the jab is all. Of course I have frustration that more wasn't done, as many do. Best wishes regardless, Anon.
Epstein is alive somewhere, faked his death. Netanyahu? Israel is doing just fine, still a rogue nuclear state of fake jew nazis. Durham hasn't done fuck all. North Korea??? People there are still subjugated and live under a horrible regime. Wtf are you talking about?
Obama still walks free, living the high life. I bet they eat well.
I wish I knew about the part of the plan that gives like 80+% of the western world AIDS with a fake pandemic and jab though.
If he ended their communication channels, how'd they pull of this giant plandemic and world AIDS? Live bodies for sport? See vaccine.
wut? I guess when you don't have a good counter argument, just yell SHILL! SHILL! YOU GLOW! DERR.
Soooo you think when Trump said to get the jab, that it was secretly part of the plan and he really was saying DON'T get the jab, or?
Yeah, I do, and that's lead to me believe Trump fucked us over, and we got played, nobody is going to jail, and everyone has AIDS, motherfucker. I'm trying to diversify and get some alt viewpoints from Anons, but you faggots aren't offering much.
You don't think it's a good idea to reach your own conclusions as much as possible, while also cross referencing as many varying opinions and sources as possible?