I spy "BO" at the beginning?
Dubs confirm
Quite Stormy today isn't it, Anons?
Keep digging and being your awesome selves!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandorabots - Pandorabots provides API access to its chatbot hosting platform, and offers the following SDKs on Github: Java, Ruby, Go, PHP, Python, and Node.js.[8] The platform is written in Allegro Common LISP.[9] Notable chatbots include A.L.I.C.E. (Alicebot): a three time Loebner-winner,[10] open-source base personality bot, and inspiration for the movie Her;[11] and Mitsuku.[12]
I wonder.
99ae66 - nice double dubs, btw.. >_>
Real anons were being affected by the large amount of bans (The bots sometimes use the same VPNs or manage to access the ip of anons, thus getting them banned). This is not desirable, so we have decided to fully trust (you) to be able to discern shills from anons.
Know you can do it, you are smart. They are stupid.
.. wait a minute.. Hi, ebot! :)
Now what did I just type regarding anons hashes getting used by ebot..? Good thing we didn't ban it, eh? ;)
Stay Focused