Ya, that kinda sounds logical, a bit, kinda.
Same confusion I experience when Progressive-Socialist-Commies in America keep trying to tell me how bad Putin-the-Soviet is….
Make no sense.
Takes one to Project one.
Something kinda like this, for please dear lion.
Ya, but at least she is not there “representing” The Republic.
Exactly how long does it take to pull the pin on a phosphorus incendiary and toss in a room full of pathogenic shit, might i ask?
I don’t know how far back ya’d have to go, but somewhere along the line everything [they] “pass and call Law”, is nothing more than sedition and treason at this point.
I was making snarky about the Western and American Media/Gov claims that Pentagon has been trying to “clean up those labs since Soviet Times”.
But ya… wouldn’t take but even a few minutes per room… if that was what one wanted done. Not that thirty years crap.
Imagine if Democracy (in a Constitutional Republic) held a Vote and no one showed up.
Do the winners get to burn the Constitution?
Short answer, no. They might be able to make a lot of mess… but Democracy can not burn The Law. We have copies EVERYWHERE!!!!
laughs manically