You all have been warned repeatedly. Now, for the obvious rhetorical question…WHY does 2% of the population control a majority of the search engines?
What are the alternative to Joogle and Fuck Duck Die? Is Startpage still kosher free?
Under globalism there are no soverieign countries, just vassal states.
The Constitution and rule of law override your international (communist) rules-based "order", gingertwat.
Senator Joe McCarthy was right.
It's a transfer of power. The Deep State will still exist, it just won't answer to us. (as if it ever did)
That's right. Tyrants big and small make rules. The People assembled in Congress create laws. All foreign rules that are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and no treaty can usurp that. was
That's what circle back looks like. Round and round and round and round…circular reasoning. You'll never pin a liar down with logic.Their lies are like the slime secretion on a worm that allows it to squirm and slip away.
Same "wound" over the eye on both.
It's the voices inside her head. Saying they are outside sources conceals their true origin. Think mirror.
I used to ridicule that Jesuitical saying: Never forgive. Never forget. But I'm about to throw my saddle upon that pony and go for a ride.
Obama is their king.
Hit the Clinton Foundation with a RICO and there are no resources.
video is fake and gay. it's from a previous climate summit protest. please don't poison the well
Whre is Fauci hiding?
We are at war.