Anonymous ID: b3e773 March 10, 2022, 11:22 a.m. No.15830356   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Birdbrained! Kremlin Now Casts Self As Victim Of Avian Conspiracy To Justify New Attacks


Days before Russia invaded Ukraine, all the Kremlin and its proxies could talk about was potential aggression from Kyiv.


“The armed forces of the enemy are in combat formations and are ready for the forceful capture of Donbas,” Denis Pushilin, a Russian proxy leader operating in Ukraine, claimed on Feb. 16. “President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky will soon issue a decree to the military to go on the offensive and implement a plan for the invasion of the territory.”


Ukraine, of course, never did invade.


But one week after Pushilin’s remarks, Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine’s territory, claiming to be on a peace-keeping mission.


That move — accusing an enemy of an act that you are about to or have committed — is a familiar tactic from Putin. In 2017, Putin himself remarked that the “U.S. has always interfered in Russia’s elections.”


And so Western policymakers have been alarmed in recent days to see the the Kremlin begin making insane noises about a potential chemical or biological attack in Ukraine, supposedly launched out of U.S.-sponsored biolabs.


“Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false-flag operation using them,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Wednesday. “It’s a clear pattern.”


As if on cue, on Thursday, the Russian Ministry of Defense accused the U.S. of trying to manufacture birdborne viruses to attack Russia … in Ukraine.


Conveniently, in the Ministry’s telling, the newly discovered labs are in cities where Russia has focused much of its military attention: Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa.


It’s a trolling, bizarro-world, ex post facto echo of the U.S. claims about weapons of mass destruction that were never found in Iraq. But after weeks of war in Ukraine without a smidgen of a causus belli, the Kremlin appears to have seized on a fantasy that may appeal to germaphobes and American conservatives alike: birds, and the biolaboratories supposedly devoted to weaponizing them.


The Russian announcement is straight out of central casting, replete with a secret project code name and strategically located Ukrainian cities. The Kremlin calls it “Project UP-4,” allegedly involving labs in the three major Ukrainian cities in the crosshairs of the ongoing Russian offensive.


The core of the allegation is that the labs were to create a mutated bird flu virus with a 50 percent kill rate. The virus could, in the Kremlin’s telling, then spread via birds with migratory patterns across Russia.


“From all the U.S.-produced means of destabilizing the epidemiological situation, this is one of the most reckless and irresponsible, as it does not allow for the situation to be controlled further,” Russia’s Ministry of Defense said in the statement.


It’s a narrative that plays on Western conspiracy mongering around the origins of COVID-19, with some on the right still insisting that the virus was intentionally released by a U.S.-funded Chinese bioweapons lab.


In Russia’s iteration, it’s U.S.-funded research in Ukrainian biolabs that, two weeks after the war began, suddenly necessitates some form of Russian intervention.


Apart from the White House, other Western officials are raising the alarm about a potential biological or chemical weapons attack by Russia in Ukraine.


An unnamed NATO official told the Wall Street Journal that Russia seems to be creating a pretext for one, while British officials said at a briefing this week that “we’ve got good reason to be concerned about possible use of non-conventional weapons” in Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: b3e773 March 10, 2022, 11:53 a.m. No.15830566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0617 >>0629

WASHINGTON (ABC7) — More than three months after Seth Rich was gunned down in Northwest Washington— his killer(s)were still on the loose.


Donna Brazile– DNC Chairperson


“Thoughts and prayers are not enough. We're calling upon the DC police department, the DC Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, the Bloomingdale Civic Association to continue to work with us to ensure that we bring to justice the individual or individuals responsible for murdering Seth,” said DNC Chairperson Donna Brazile.


On Monday, at the DNC headquarters senior staff, including chairperson Donna Brazille, dedicated a bike rack to the former avid cyclist.


"This dedication is important to us not as a memorial, but as a dedication and celebration of who Seth was and how Seth lived," DNC director of voter expansion Pratt Wiley said.


Prior to his death, Rich was a Voter Expansion Data Director at the DNC. Most days he rode his bike to work. In July, he parked his bike at the rack in DC for the last time.


"To be reminded each and every day when we come in the huge task that we have to do, and to be reminded every night before we go home as just one last check to say did we do everything we could today to make the world better,” Wiley said.


Since the week of his death, conspiracy theories swirled around Rich's murder. WikiLeaks continues to offer a $20,000 reward. A GOP Lobbyist is also offering more than $100,000 for information. DC Police don't believe it was anything but a robbery gone wrong.


This plaque will now stay here in Rich's honor. Each day its designed to remind staff of the legacy Rich left behind and the battle to find his killer moving forward.

Anonymous ID: b3e773 March 10, 2022, 12:16 p.m. No.15830746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0784 >>0854 >>0891 >>0932 >>0997


Billions of genetically modified male mosquitos will be released

Ryan Morrison For Dailymail.Com - 4h ago


Billions of genetically engineered male mosquitos will be released in California and Florida over the next two years, as part of a mission to kill off biting females.


Oxitec, based in Oxford UK, is a biological pest control development firm, that has produced the edited version of the flying insects to combat mosquito-borne diseases like Dengue, yellow fever and Zika.


Male Aedes aegypti mosquitos don't bite humans, but females do, and so the genetic modification causes females to die off soon after being born.


The project has been cleared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the first wave is due to be released this year, although it isn't clear exactly when this will happen, as it requires state regulatory approval in Florida and California.


It isn't likely to be a problem in Florida, as the state played host to a trial last year that saw millions of the same type of Oxitec mosquitos released in the Florida Keys.


Not everyone supports the idea, including Friends of the Earth, which describes it as 'a destructive move that is dangerous for public health.'


The EPA cleared the technology, giving Oxitec an experimental use permit that allows them to release 2.4 billion edited mosquitos between 2022 and 2024.


In total two billion will be released in California, and another 400 million in Florida, where millions are already spreading through the mosquito population.


The male insects have been genetically modified to express the protein tTAV-OX5034, which results in the death of any newly born females.


Only female Aedes aegypti mosquitos bite and spread disease.


So Oxitec has created males that pass on a gene that kills female offspring before they mature.


Their male offspring continue mating and passing on the altered gene.


Over time this reduces the population, slows the spread of biting females, and reduces disease transmission.


The firm describes it as a sustainable form of pest control that only impacts the target, invasive species.


The idea behind the modification is to kill off any female offspring before they reach maturity and are able to go out and bite humans, spreading these diseases.


This would also work to reduce the population of the invasive species, further slowing disease transmission, although that is still theoretical.


The modified species have been put through multiple tests and trials, to ensure the modifications won't harm eco-systems or humans.


“Once released into the environment, genetically engineered mosquitoes cannot be recalled,” Dr Robert Gould, President of San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility, said, speaking through Friends of the Earth.


“Rather than forge ahead with an unregulated open-air genetic experiment, we need precautionary action, transparent data and appropriate risk assessments.”


The Center for Food Safety isn't happy with the project either, with Policy Director Jaydee Hanson calling it a dangerous and unnecessary experiment as there are 'no locally acquired cases of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya or Zika in California.'


what if it make human females die before maturity