Anonymous ID: d02510 March 10, 2022, 4:19 p.m. No.15832865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2881 >>2883 >>2893 >>3099



You’re religious brainwashed idiot. Once you realize the god of the Bible is not the almighty, but a lesser war-mongering demiurge who wants humanity to be slaves to him for eternity, you start to understand life for what it is.


Why would a loving God make knowledge a crime?

Why would he brandish all of humanity with original sin?

Why would he kill the first born children of Egypt?

Why would he accept Jepthas daughter as a burnt virgin sacrifice?

Why would he say he loves you but will send you to burn in hell if you don’t follow him?

If he’s all knowing and all powerful, why would he allow a talking snake to be more persuasive than him?

Why would he massacre innocent people, children and animals in the flood?


Your god is a jealous, hateful, warmonger also known as Satan that masquerades as the one true God to decieve the nations.


Lucifer is the morning star. The angel of light, although I don’t worship Lucifer, you Christians have no idea what you’re talking about. The name Lucifer is only mentioned ONE TIME in the Bible in Isaiah and is taken out of context. Also, there is ZERO specific correlation between Satan, Lucifer and the serpent anywhere in the Bible.