If people were paying attention, gold and silver would have already 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x… this week.
Reminds me of this YT reply I got 1/15/22:
Industrial demand for gold and silver will pale in comparison for its demand as a currency when, not if, fiat currencies achieve true price discovery ($0). Even if the new digital currencies they plan to roll out are not backed by gold, there will still be demand for it as currency. Nobody wants to buy their illicit goods with highly-controlled, transparent currencies and have a record of the transaction forever recorded on the blockchain. The market for such goods and services is in the trillions worldwide. Drugs, weapons, prostitution , etc etc. There will have to be an off-grid payment solution so the politicians and other criminals can conduct business unmolested. Also, gold and silver are the only asset classes with zero counter party risk. The tolerance for such risk will be at an all time low after folks wake up one day to find their fiat savings wiped out.Anything with a deed, a title, or an account number is subject to devaluation, taxation, or outright confiscation by authorities.Good luck to them finding precious metals tucked away in holes in backyards.