>stupid can be fixed
stupid is not fixable
Poglo is such an obvious clown
his retweeting with bug-eyed emojis is laughable
cointel much?
as these assholes discuss their own administrative systems and "whether you can live with a U.N. vehicle" (an actual quote just uttered) I'm wrapping my mind around the total budget of the U.N. and the number of employees worldwide and the exorbitant amounts of money involved
world hunger would end tomorrow just by eliminating the U.N.
kys delusional hopium slinger
cannot be fixed
cannot be helped
cannot be saved
which is how one can discern that the present situation cannot be solved by human means
red text shill
red text shill
better read it a few more times
the books sealed in Daniel's day have opened
the enemy has known for a long time
this is a shill disguised as a fluoridated retard